Do we need a new approach to music?

This is the place where I summarize the discussion, which is spread across all of my social media channels. Let me – already now – say “thank you” to all, who have contributed and are still contributing. And here are all of the postings, opinions and thoughts so far:

Rolf´s Question:

Do we need a completely new kind of music?

“Do we need a new and completely different way of understanding music, of looking at music, of listening to music and to making/producing music again?”

CARDINAL – Is it really like VCV Rack as a free VST? Part 1

For reasons of practicability (when producing music) it is better to use a DAW environment sometimes (and sometimes it is not, of course). And the VCV Rack version, which works inside of a DAW is not a free one – you have to pay for it. And even if the price is definitely appropriate – it is still a price, still money. There will be some of you, who cannot afford these about 200.- Dollars (September 2022). CARDINAL is free – no money needed. So, how to work with CARDINAL? What are the differences to VCV Rack? When should we use CARDINAL, and when VCV Rack?

There Are Still Things The World Has Never Seen

Things unseen and unheard before.


Don´t watch if you are rather stupid. Don´t watch if you are faint hearted. Don´t watch if you are an impatient kind of person.

A mysterious book! One book more! An unplanned project!

Are you brave enough to watch this:


00:00 Intro And Last Warning

00:07 Absolutely Nothing New

00:43 Terrible News

01:00 The Riddle – Solve It Or Die

03:45 Impatience – A Nearly Ambient Musical Slide Show
