Thoughts on Semi-Modular Synths vs. Eurorack – Part 9

Thoughts on Semi-Modular Synths vs. Eurorack – Part 9

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Chapter 5: Special Technical Aspects

In this temporarily last chapter (chapter 6 will follow in some weeks, but not at once) I´m going to talk about some general technical aspects, which speak – unfortunately – mainlyagainst semi modular setups.

In the World of Grains – Part 5

In the World of Grains – Part 5

(contains embedded video) If you want to support my work, please make use of the "PayPal" button - thank you very much indeed!

… and some more comnputer languages to be used to code granular synthesis, granular sound processing and granular sound design:


To say it at once: OpenMusic is not mainly meant to manipulate sound. It is not a dedicated sound processing programming environment. Its main purpose is coding compositions, working with notes and notations and manipulating scores.

Close Encounters of a Special Kind – Part 8

Close Encounters of a Special Kind – Part 8

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Earthquakes – Part 2

As I told you in my last article of this series: Not every sound design experiment brings the expected or wanted results. And that´s the way I ended with my earthquake experiment. The sounds from throwing things at the pasta-rice,chickpeas-sugar mixture were excellent! They were excitingly superb and served – and still will serve – as great raw material for further design steps.

Thoughts on Generative Music - Part 8

Thoughts on Generative Music - Part 8

(contains embedded video) If you want to support my work, please make use of the "PayPal" button - thank you very much indeed!

Two More Decisions to be made

There are at least two other decisions to be made in generative music:

Decision 3:

Do I allow myself to intervene from time to time?


Decision 4:

Do I follow a clean puristic approach, or do I allow myself to record single pieces and put them together in a later production process?
