Enter a New Dimension of Generative Music
Making Generative Music With Voltage Modular - Volume 2

This e-book crosses – breaks, destroys - all borders one can possibly imagine when thinking of and about generative music and modular synths.
The stats first:
The book has got 333 pages, there are 393 pictures and graphics in the book, and there are 141 embedded videos.
The number of patches – which are part of the download – has grown to 173 all in all.

Just click one of the PayPal links in this article to get it
There´s even more this time:
There are 55 sound files, which are part of the download, and there are 53 additional pictures and GIF animations, which also come with the download. Both – sounds and pics/GIFs are meant to be loaded into some of the patches.

And – again – it´s far more than just a collection of patches (even if it is quite a large collection of patches for sure). This Volume 2 leads you “behind the scenes”, talks about general patching strategies, and shows you how to “patch reality”, how to describe and help understanding processes in the real world outside of our studios.
You get it all for 27.50 $.
And if you missed Volume 1 (which is also 27.50 $), you pay only 39,- $ and get both volumes. Click the link to grab Volume 2 or Volume 1 + 2: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=25JDG5FQM7TNG
Here´s the full list of chapters of Volume 2:
Chapter 0 Some Words About This Book 004
Chapter 1 Certain Rather Technical Sonic
Aspects And Tasks 006
Chapter 1.1 Long And Slow 006
Chapter 1.1.1 Introductory Example 006
Chapter 1.1.2 General Thoughts And Structure 010
Chapter 1.1.3 Pads And Dense Spectra 036
Chapter 1.1.4 Long Single Notes Without Remarkable
Timbre Changes 041
Chapter 1.1.5 Alternative Modulation Sources And
Mechanisms That Cause Modulation 047
Chapter 1.1.6 Stretching And Contracting Long Spaces
Of Time 070
Chapter 1.1.7 Repeated Repetitions In Different
Domains 077
Chapter 1.1.8 Backgrounds & Co Without Reinterpreting
Effects 088
Chapter 1.1.9 Reinterpreting Unchanging Sonic Aspects 092
Chapter 1.2 Timbre vs. Pitch vs. Rhythm 097
Chapter 1.3 Rhythm 110
Chapter 1.4 Non-Classic Tunings And Scales 123
Chapter 1.4.1 Microtonal Beats 123
Chapter 1.4.2 Microtonal Scales 128
Chapter 1.5 Special Melodies And Intervals 135
Chapter 1.6 Generative Silence 140
Chapter 1.6.1 A Massive Patch With a Heart Of Silence 148
Chapter 1.7 Random vs. Well-Defined 160
Chapter 1.8 Working With Text 168

Chapter 1.9 Working With Visual Media 183
Chapter 1.9.1 Still Images 183
Chapter 1.9.2 Short Video Clips and GIF Animations 189
Chapter 1.10 A Few More Ideas 191
Chapter 2 Distinctions & Similarities 194
Chapter 2.1 Generative Ambient Music 195
Chapter 2.1.1 Some Basic Considerations About the
Relationship Between Generative Music
And Ambient Music 195
Chapter 2.1.2 Generative Dark Ambient 197
Chapter 2.1.3 Generative Neoclassical Ambient 201
Chapter 2.2 Generative Spatial Music 206
Chapter 2.3 Generative Serial Music 212
Chapter 2.4 Generative Minimal Music 232
Chapter 2.5 Generative Musique Concrète 246

Chapter 3 Some General Thoughts
(and Patches) About Music, Sound
and Generative Principles 254
Chapter 3.1 Randomness as a Musical Form 255
Chapter 3.2 Music at the Moment and
for the Moment 269
Chapter 3.3 Generative Music Unites 277
Chapter 4 Cross-Disciplinary
Aspects and Phenomena 285
Chapter 4.1 Generative Music and Physics 290

Chapter 4.2 Generative Music and Philosophy 297
Chapter 4.3 Generative Music and Psychology 304
Chapter 4.4 Generative Music and Astronomy 309
Chapter 4.5 Generative Music and Geometry 316
Chapter 4.5.1 Sonic Trigonometry 319
Chapter 4.5.2 Sonic Multidimensional Space 319
Epilogue 328
Appendix A: Your Personal Advantages
as a Buyer of this Book 329
Appendix B: Contact And Social Media 331
Appendix C: Copyright 332
Let me repeat my offer from above:
You get it all for 27.50 $.
And if you missed Volume 1 (which is also 27.50 $), you pay only 39,- $ and get both volumes. Click the link to grab Volume 2 or Volume 1 + 2: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=25JDG5FQM7TNG
Cheers and peace!
Enjoy your day!
List of Modules
Below there is the list of all modules, which I use in this book. But please think of the following:
1. Nearly always you can replace a module, which you don´t own by a group of (simpler) modules, which you do own.
2. I´m using different modules with similar functionality from time to time, simply to make things more interesting. You don´t have to though.
And here´s the link to the whole list:
Cheers and peace!
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