Book Progress Report 4

When a patch grows into a certain complexity it seems to cross a kind of border and becomes a living thing that has its own mind and will.
This week I fought with one of these life forms. It wouldn´t do what I expected (and wanted) it to do. It was like fighting a dragon. The patch seemed to obey, but then, suddenly, it attacked and did things I really didn´t want it to do. I was the knight who had to tame this monster – and in the end I managed to do so, the patch dragon gave in and is now as tame as a little purring cat. I must admit I was on the brink of giving it up when – with my very last reserves of power and energy – I did the final stroke (in form of using a patch cable in the right way) and got the dragon do what I wanted.
And that´s how this second volume of my trilogy about making generative music with VM has grown by now: 78 pages written, 56 patches made, 45 video clips produced and quite a lot of graphics and illustrations drawn.
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