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Making Generative Music With Voltage Modular

Alright! Text, patches, graphics and embedded videos are complete now, final layout is done. I´ll be making public videos in the last 3 weeks now, before making the book available 15th April, videos which will enrich the book publishing activities during the second half of April and the first half of May. Wish me good luck.

The book today:

chapters: 8

sub-chapters: 110

pages: 456

presets/patches: 308

video clips: 324

graphics and pictures: 789

definite date of release: 15h of April



Alright! Text, patches, graphics and embedded videos are complete now, final layout is done. I´ll be making public videos in the last 3 weeks now, before making the book available 15th April, videos which will enrich the book publishing activities during the second half of April and the first half of May. Wish me good luck.


chapters: 8

 sub-chapters: 110

pages: 456

presets/patches: 308

video clips: 324

graphics and pictures: 789

definite date of release: 15th of April


Making Generative Music With Voltage Modular

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