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“Voltage Modular Partial Oscillator – a Universe Of Sound”

Voltage Modular Partial Oscuillator

In this video I´m going to patch a complete simulation of one of Yamaha´s 4

operator DX synthesizers, I´m going to demonstrate all functions of the Partial Oscillator module – and show and explain it´s musical meaning.

This video is about creative and artful sound design and creative and artful ways of producing MUSIC.

And these are the main topics:


linear frequency modulation

through zero frequency modulation

exponential frequency modulation

Yamaha DX7 and DX27

FM operator

FM algorithm

fractalization of sound

amplitude modulation


wave folder


I promise (in the video) some of the patches/presets as downloads for you. Here is the link to the folder, which contains these patches twice: as pure Voltage Modular presets as well as complete FL Studio presets.

Additionally you´ll find the block graphics of the patches in the folder.

Just click here.


And if you just want to watch the video, then

click here.

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