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VCV Rack in a Nutshell – part 9 is online now

It´s all about the Voxglitch Module “Ghosts”, a special granular wave processor. After some short explanations of the basics of granular sound processing I walk you through the whole functionality of Ghosts. There are even some scary sounds to enjoy.



00:00 Intro

00:36 The Basics of Granular Sound Processing

02:00 Explaining and Demonstrating the GUI Functions

05:20 Some Peculiarities of Ghosts

06:25 How the Parameters Interact with Each Other

11:30 Modulating the Parameters and a Real Patch


It´s all about the Voxglitch Module “Ghosts”, a special granular wave processor. After some short explanations of the basics of granular sound processing I walk you through the whole functionality of Ghosts. There are even some scary sounds to enjoy.



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