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“Fun with Field Recording and Sound Design – Part 3” is online now

It´s about the importance of rabbits, about making DIY windshields and about a hurricane in the studio, as well as about the Zoom H5 and the Zoom H1.


Timeline / Content:

00:00 Introduction

00:43 Looking for Suitable Material for Windshields

02:49 Preparing the Found Material

04:35 Sound Tests With Rabbit

06:06 Wind in the Studio And a Rabbit Windshield

12:42 Extreme Rabbit Testing

13:43 The Advantage of Using a Rabbit as a Windshield

15:31 Let´s Get Serious About Windshields

16:38 Testing a DIY Windshield From Fur in a Hurricane in the Studio

18:48 Sound Tests With a DIY Windshield (Zoom H5 and Zoom H1)

20:01 Overall Results


“Fun with Field Recording and Sound Design – Part 3” is online now

It´s about the importance of rabbits, about making DIY windshields and about a hurricane in the studio, as well as about the Zoom H5 and the Zoom H1.



“Fun with Field Recording and Sound Design – Part 3”

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