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VCV Rack ultra-quickies #7

As promised in the video on my YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/3bFv87egkEY): Here is the patch:

Take the VCO BASAL and modulate its pitch with a sample and hold module triggered by an LFO.

vcv ultra 7

Send BASAL´s output through a VCA to the reverb module PLATEAU, and open and close the VCA using the same signal which triggers the Sample and Hold Module.

vcv ultra 7

send the output of PLATEAU through an attenuator to a Platereverb.

vcv ultra 7

send the output of the Platereverb to the main audio out and modulate Plateaus SIZE parameter by an LFO

vcv ultra 7

Take a third LFO to modulate the Platereverb´s BOOST parameter as well as the RATE of the second LFO, which modulates Plateau.

Lean back and enjoy!

vcv ultra 7


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