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A Systematic Introduction To Making Generative Music With Modular Synths - Volume 2 (click and learn more about the book)

A Systematic Introduction To Making Generative Music With Modular Synths - Volume 2 (a preview)

A Systematic Introduction To Making Generative Music With Modular Synths
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This second volume of the trilogy about making generative music with modular synths contains

224 pages, 123 patches as presets, 189 pics and graphs, 132 video clips

Content :

Chapter 0: Some Words About This Book 5

Chapter 1: Variety, Randomness, Motion And Structure 8

Chapter 2: Different Kinds of Randomness 15

Chapter 3: Different Kinds of Triggering Random Events 25

Chapter 3.1: Krell Patches 26

Chapter 3.2: Real World Triggers 30

Chapter 4: Diverse Special Random Operations 40

Chapter 5: Generative Music And Compositional Will 46

Chapter 5.1: Hierarchies of Modulations 47

Chapter 5.2: Sonic Kinfolk 53

Chapter 5.3: Changing Sonic Family Background 57

Chapter 5.4: Voices 59

Chapter 5.5: A Short List of Diverse Decisions and

Measures 64

Chapter 6: Certain Generative Patching Techniques 67

Chapter 6.1: Composing Silence 67

Chapter 6.2: Making a Parameter Pitch Sensitive 69

Chapter 6.3: A Simple 1-in to 2-out Fader 78

Chapter 6.4: Changing the Synchronisation Status 79

Chapter 6.5: Synchronised But Inverted LFOs 80

Chapter 6.6: Using a Master Sequencer 81

Chapter 6.7: Limit the Range of External MIDI

Controllers 82

Chapter 6.8: Heed the Relation of LFO Rate And

Envelope Duration 82

Chapter 6.9: Modulating Reverb Parameters by

Sequencers 83

Chapter 6.10: Using Comparators to Change Clock

Rates 84

Chapter 6.11: Modulating a Quantiser to Change Scale

and Key 85

Chapter 6.12: Modulating Pitch and Timbre at Different

Rates 85

Chapter 6.13: Adding Inverted Voltage 87

Chapter 6.14: Audio to CV to Audio Feedback

Loops 88

Chapter 6.15: Phase Shifting and Cross-Modulating 89

Chapter 6.16: Applying the Same Structure to Different

Parameters 90

Chapter 6.17: Pools of Parameters 91

Chapter 7: Certain Interesting Modules 93

Chapter 7.1: Tidal Modulator 2 / Tides 93

Chapter 7.2: Utilities / Kinks 101

Chapter 7.3: Feigen (by Vult) 103

Chapter 7.4: Anima (by Vult) 107

Chapter 7.5: Dopamine (by Vult) 113

Chapter 7.6: Hallucigenia Sequencer (Extratone) 117

Chapter 7.7: Generative (Amalgamated Harminics) 123

Chapter 7.8: Branes (by Geodesics) 128

Chapter 7.9: A Construction Kit For Envelopes 132

Chapter 8: Solving Complex Tasks And Problems

(“composing” patches) 143

Chapter 8.1: A Delirium of Envelopes 144

Chapter 8.2: The Parrot Machine 154

Chapter 8.3: A Generative Ambient Stereotype 160

Chapter 9: Tips, Ideas And Important Nonsense 170

Chapter 9.1: Six Postulations, Cola And

a Larger Patch 170

Chapter 9.2: Redefining FX 185

Chapter 9.3: Redefining Delay 186

Chapter 9.4: Redefining Reverb 187

Chapter 9.5: A Tree of Envelopes 189

Chapter 9.6: Rhythm Logic 192

Chapter 9.7: Random Pitches Controlled By Grains 194

Chapter 10: A Bit of History And the Future

of Generative Music 196

Chapter 11: Is Life Generative (Music)? 203

Chapter 12: CARDINAL Versus VCV Rack 207

References And Resources 215

Appendix A: Contact And Social Media 221

Appendix B: Your Personal Advantages

As a Buyer Of this Book 222

Appendix C: Copyright 224

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