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Softube Modular Part 19 - The Logic Modules

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Logic Modules

An in-depth explanation of the logic modules and some others in the "Tool" section.


00:00 Introduction

00:33 The Logic Tool Module

00:33 “1”/”0” or “High”/”Low” or “True”/”False”

01:28 Input Wave Shapes and Output Pulses

05:03 First (Simple! Application

06:08 Second Application (Signal Switching)

07:07 Inverting

07:24 The OR Function

07:58 The AND Function (incl. Random Rhythms)

09/17 The NAND Function

10:35 Adding and Combining Logical Function

11:13 Different Levels of “High” and Sequencing

14:05 The NOR Function

14:49 The XOR Function

15:51 The Logixc Tool Module as a Signal Distributor

16:16 The Logic Tool Module and Persuccion Units

19:28 Switching between Sequences

22:21 Networks of Logic Tool Modules

26:21 The Signal Tool Module

26:46 The NEG Function

27:42 The ABS Function (incl. DC Offset)

32:07 The MAX Function and the MIN Function

34:25 The Signal Tool Module and External Audio

38:04 The A+B Function and the A-B Function

39:48 The CLIP Function

40:51 The “A is bigger than B” Function

41:54 The Divider

42:58 Different Input Wave Shapes

46:00 The Threshold

48:30 Step Divisions

49:38 Divider Networks

50:25 The RESET Function

51:58 External Audio as a Beat Trigger

52:57 Some Words At the End

53:15 The End

Product Price
7.55 $
An in-depth explanation of the logic modules and some others in the "Tool" section.
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