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ARP 2500 Part 6 - Sample and Hold

0:00:00 Intro

0:01:00 Basic Functionality of S&H Modules, Corn Flakes And a Child´s Toy

0:06:19 First Details And the Meaning of Level

0:11:45 Sampling Special Wave Shapes and Phase Relations

0:23:43 Some Functional Detail In-Depth

0:28:25 The Second S&H Unit Of the Module

0:33:50 Gate vs. Trigger

0:44:58 Sampling From Cassette Tape

0:50:44 Scale Sampling

1:55:54 Modulating the Internal Clock And Compositional Aspect

1:02:55 Workflow With the Original ARP 2500 OR G2500

1:06:39 Authenticity Check Of the Behringer Hardware

1:08:26 Authenticity Check of Voltage Modular

1:09:50 Thank You

1:10:33 The End

Video Title
ARP 2500 Part 6
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Arp 2500 Module 1036
video summary
Every detail about the Random Voltage / S&H module 1036 and its applications
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