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Voltage Modular The Zeroscillator

It´s epic! It´s 2 hours full of information and tips. It´s everything one can know about the Zeroscillator. It´s all you need to know about exponential FM, classic linear FM and through-zero FM, and makes you really understand these things.

It´s complete indeed.


0:00:00 Introduction and History

0:02:22 The Basic Wave Shapes

0:03:00 First Impression of Exponential FM

0:04:20 Positive and Negative Modulations

0:05:40 Subtracting Modulator Waves from Each Other

0:08:50 Killing the Harmonies

0:10:26 Deeper Insights Part 1

0:11:00 From Vibrato to Designing Sounds or “About Violins, Bees and Transistors”

0:13:39 Different Kinds of FM and PM

0:14:10 First Appearance of Sidebands

0:16:18 Negative Frequencies or “Sound in the Grip of Dadaism”

0:17:43 Partials, Amplitudes and Why “3 – 3 = 0” Is Not True

0:18:37 About Carriers, Modulators and How to Predict an FM Spectrum

0:19:22 What the **** is EXPONENTIAL FM?

0:21:00 Exponential FM Goes Out Of Tune

0:22:30 The Jacks “FM 1”, “FM 2”, “1V/OCT” And Microtonal Scales

0:24:12 A Bit Of Patching And Tweaking

0:26:45 Integer And Non-Integer Frequency Relations

0:31:33 Carrier-Modulator Orders With Different Wave Shapes

0:39:20 Switching Carrier and Modulator

0:40:54 Square Wave FM and Duty Cycle

0:42:00 Deeper Insights Part 2

0:42:15 Phase, Angles, Degrees And Their Modulations

0:46:41 Why Does The Duty Cycle of Square Waves Matter?

0:48:22 Why And How Is “A modulates B” different from “B modulates A”?

0:51:10 A Bit More of Patching and Tweaking

0:54:15 Typical “Classic” Linear FM with The Zeroscillator

0:58:41 “One Attenuverter to Rule Them All, One Attenuverter to Find Them And in...”

0:59:50 The MOD OUT jack

1:04:05 Close Encounters of the Third Kind with Through-Zero FM

1:06:50 Deeper Insights Part 3

1:06:58 Diverse Phase Cancellations

1:08:26 What the **** is LINEAR FM? Linear FM And Detuning

1:10:35 The Phenomenon of Alien Partials in FM Spectra

1:18:34 Quite a Bit More of Patching And Tweaking

1:26:34 3 Ways of NOT to Understand Through-Zero FM

1:27:04 Deeper Insights Part4

1:28:13 The Real Meaning and Processes of “Through-Zero”

1:32:35 Tuning and Quantization

1:33:43 The Mystery of the Bias Knob

1:39:50 Pulse Width Modulation and Morph

1:40:50 The Vari-Synch jack

1:42:20 The Time Reversal jack (and why it´s not a wormhole into another dimension)

1:45:39 Deeper Insights Part 5

1:45:55 What the **** Is Time Reversal?

1:47:37 Time Reversal And Hardsync

1:51:25 The Morph Functionality of the Zeroscillator

1:56:04 Some Very Important Aspects

1:57:58 The End


Enjoy your day!


Video Title
Voltage Modular Zeroscillator
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video summary
It´s epic! It´s 2 hours full of information and tips. It´s everything one can know about the Zeroscillator. It´s all you need to know about exponential FM, classic linear FM and through-zero FM, and makes you really understand these things. It´s complete indeed.
watch the video
