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Arturia CMI V - The Magic of Fairlight

A slightly different approach to Arturia´s “CMI V” software version of the legendary Fairlight CMI (Computer Music Instrument). There´s probably going to be more of this in the future.

Please see the timeline/content for details.



0:00:00 Introduction

0:05:14 The 3 Different Sources of Sound

0:05:35 The Sampler

0:07:15 Converting Samples into Additive Data Part 1

0:09:34 Converting Additive Data into WAV Files

0:11:20 Is There Anything Like Digital Warmth?

0:13:32 Some Basics about Additive Synthesis

0:16:10 Fast Fourier Transform Part 1 (… and some limitations of the CMI)

0:17:34 The Joy and Pain of Classic Additive Synthesis from Scratch

0:27:05 Different Wave Shapes as Basic Units in Additive Synthesis

0:37:20 Important Terms and a Bit of a Mess

0:42:34 The Spectral Synth and the Workflow of Designing Sounds

0:47:37 Converting Samples into Additive Data Part 2 (Choosing BitDepth, Sampling Rate and


0:59:59 Some Words about Fourier Transformations (nearly no mathematics)

1:07:00 Musical Inaccuracy

1:09:31 Discovering the Musical Character of a Sampled Sound

1:13:57 Grocer´s Delight

1:14:31 The End

Video Title
Arturia CMI V - The Magic of Fairlight
video screenshot
Arturia CMI V Fairlight
video summary
A slightly different approach to Arturia´s “CMI V” software version of the legendary Fairlight CMI (Computer Music Instrument).
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